Question :

Part 1-.
Dear Mr. Maes:
 I need your help with some questions that only you can clarify for me . I will now list my questions for you:
1)Can I make a witness for a group of people or an entire family?
2)I'm looking for a boyfriend, but I don't have anyone specific in mind. Is there a graphic that can help me find him?
3)With the psycho-inducer graph it is possible to influence a group of people at the same time?
4)Can I energize, empower (or whatever you call it) images of saints, spirit sigils, paper talismans and others? and with which graphic?
5)Can a magnet be used on a graph to give it more power? or on the substance to be emitted?
6)I am not a dowser, so I have no way of finding out if a substance or a witness is already impregnated, how can I find out?
Well, I think that's enough, I don't want to bother you with my questions, but you are the only one who really understands the subject.
Wish you all the best, cordially

Part 2-.
Tons of thanks!
Dear Mr. Maes:
Perhaps I didn't know how to express myself, since english is not my native language, I would like this time to expand a little on the questions I asked before.
With regard to questions 1 and 3, I mean for example influencing a group of workers to be more efficient and responsible, or a family to change their wrong attitude towards others
Regarding question 2, I am very clear about the kind of companion I want, but I have no idea where I can look for him, or how to make him manifest himself materially (as the witches say...) \uD83D\uDE01That's why I think that maybe some of the graphics can help me, as a "road opener" or facilitate the circumstances for the meeting.
I am immensely grateful for your good will to help those of us who have recourse to you, may Divine Providence reward you!


 Réponse :

 Dear Madame,

My answers under your questions.

Best regards
Ronald Maes

Reply part 1.

Q-1) Can I make a witness for a group of people or an entire family?
R-1) This is not efficient to obtain results -  are you certain that you may intervene for each of them ?
How can a group have the same objectives in life ?

Q-2) I'm looking for a boyfriend, but I don't have anyone specific in mind. Is there a graphic that can help me find him?
R-2) First you will have to meet him - you can then eventually harmonise the two of you - it will work only if it is beneficial for the two of you.

Q-3) With the psycho-inducer graph it is possible to influence a group of people at the same time?
R-3) This is not efficient to obtain results - one at the time - it will work if it is beneficial for that person.

Q-4) Can I energize, empower (or whatever you call it) images of saints, spirit sigils, paper talismans and others? and with which graphic?
R-4)  Use -Graphique Servranx N°52- Décagone

Q-5) Can a magnet be used on a graph to give it more power? or on the substance to be emitted?
R-5) Radioncs and magneto therapy are two separate energy fields.
You can combine the two with two separate actions, respecting the principles of each and separated in time.

Q-6) I am not a dowser, so I have no way of finding out if a substance or a witness is already impregnated, how can I find out?
R-6) You will have to learn radiesthesia/dowsing if you want to master energy fields - I know no other technique who can measure, select and answer questions in this fields.

Reply part 2.

For your first question you can use
Graphique Servranx N°11- Psycho-inductor *

for the second question you can use
Graphique Servranx N°36- Chance- Succès 

Best regards
Ronald Maes


Liens et références :

Graphique Servranx N°52- Décagone  (English edition)

Graphique Servranx N°11- Psycho-inductor (English edition)

Graphique Servranx N°36- Chance- Succès